Animal Climate Action

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Hiermit erklären wir uns solidarisch mit unseren Freund*innen in
Nord und Ostsyrien. Seit dem 9. Oktober führt die türkische Armee
zusammen mit dschihadistischen Banden einen entsetzlichen Krieg gegen
die Menschen in Nord- und Ostsyrien. Dies ist ein Angriff auf die
Revolution und ihre Erungenschaften in der demokratischen Förderation
die auf Frauenbefreiung, Ökologie und Basisdemokratie basiert. Es drohen
ethnische Säuberungen, Völkermorde und ein wiedererstarken des
sogenannten islamischen Staates.

Trotz aller scheinheiligen Verurteilungen von seiten westlicher
Regierungsvertreter*innen kann Erdogan diesen Krieg nur mit der
Rückendeckung aller NATO Partner führen. Insbesondere trägt die BRD mit
ihren umfangreichen wirtschaftlichen und politischen Verstrickungen mit
der Türkei eine Mitschuld.

Wir rufen alle Aktivist*innen der Klimagerechtigkeist- und der
Tierbefreiungsbewegung dazu auf sich an den Protesten gegen den Krieg in
Rojava zu beteiligen.

Folgende Solidaritätserklärung von Make Rojava Green Again wurde auch von uns unterzeichnet:

Stop Turkish State‘s Brutal War on Northeast Syria! Solidarity with Rojava!

Stop Turkish State‘s Brutal War on North-East Syria! Solidarity with Rojava!

We, organisations working to secure an ecological and democratic future, condemn the war declared unilaterally by the Turkish government on north-east Syria. This war has absolutely no legitimate justification. It is is a crime and is severely exacerbating the war in the region.

This aggression targets the democratic achievements of the Kurds, Assyrians, Arabs and others living together peacefully in north-east Syria. In 2012 the liberation process began in Rojava, the predominantly Kurdish region within Syria, and spread to many other parts of north-east Syria following the defeat of the terrorist Islamic State (IS). Their model of self-administration called “democratic autonomy” is based primarily on the liberation of women, direct democracy, ecological principals and ethnic and religious diversity. It is by far the most peaceful and democratic region within Syria after eight years of disastrous war. This region must be protected by all people and organizations around the world if the opportunity for democratic change in Syria is to be maintained.

The first days of the attacks, which are ongoing, show that Turkish forces are intentionally targeting civilians and their livelihoods. Water supply facilities, water supplying dams, electricity power plants, hospitals and other utility installations have been destroyed. The natural environment, on which human society depends, is heavily impacted by air and artillery attacks. Dozen of organisations which work for an ecological, democratic and gender-liberated life and their projects, some of which have been established in collaboration with numerous international individuals and non-governmental organisations, are also under threat. We are witnessing once again that war is a crime against people and nature.

The people of north-east Syria are resisting this invasion and the attempt to change the demographics of the region by all means possible. There is however a huge imbalance between their efforts at self-defence and the military power of a large NATO member state. The role of the USA, which gives space Turkey in this brutal war, is more than shameful. All other Western states, Russia, others within the region and around the world warrant serious criticism too.

If the Turkish government’s war on north-east Syria, which is clearly a violation of international law, is not halted, it will have catastrophic results and will solve no problems rather it will deepen the problems and conflicts in the region. We call oninternational organizations and governments who claim to be democratic to speak up against this war and implement sanctions, including economic.

We call on all democratic and ecological small and big civil society organizations to raise your voices for the people of north-east Syria, join and organise public democratic actions, denounce Turkey’s aggression and demand that politicians take immediate action to halt this brutality against democracy and nature.

We call for – and stand in – solidarity with the people of Rojava and of north-east Syria.

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